Before a hand of poker is dealt, all players must contribute a small amount of money known as an ante. This gives the pot an immediate value. Another type of bet is called an all-in bet and places all of the players’ chips in the pot. If all players fold during the betting round, the player must call another raise. However, a player can check the pot and raise their bets during the betting round.
The dealer will deal the cards and indicate the starting position. The button will move one spot clockwise after each hand. The player to the left of the button will begin the game. He or she will post the small or big blind. The purpose of the blinds is to give players something to chase. In this way, it is possible to determine the winner of a poker game. However, a player’s bluffing strategy will determine the outcome of the game.
The final betting round is known as the showdown. A showdown can occur only if all the remaining players have raised their bets or if a player has gone all-in before the last betting round. During the betting rounds, additional money is placed into a side pot. This side pot is separate from the main pot and can have many players. A player who has called will win the pot in which he or she placed his or her bet.